Q.roses many blooms
I want to know what sellers put on the roses or what they do so it gives so many buds ready to flower 1st year itself????
I am attaching a photo the rose ketchup mustard I just bought 3 weeks ago with so many buds ..do they prune it or is its fertiliser special?

Greenhouse conditions can't be replicated in the 'real world". For instance, they can adjust the type of light a plant gets: red spectrum favors bud formation. Fertilizer is adjusted as the plant grows. Higher nitrogen levels spur green growth and higher phosphorus and potassium boost blooming. It requires intensive management. Of course, the genetics of a particular hybrid rose also influences blooms as does the type of rose. Spring is the naturally the time for heaviest flowering. Roses are known as needing lots of sunlight; 6 hours daily is the lower limit. (They get much more in the greenhouse.) Regular feeding, dead-heading and proper annual pruning are all important. Here is more information on succeeding with roses. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/starting-a-rose-garden.htm
Adding 1-2 inches of compost on top of the soil and under the shrub should be done annually. It does not need to be worked into the soil. An inch of water weekly or 2 inches if your soil is sandy or if temps are over 30C are necessary. When plants are stressed by lack of water or high temps, developing buds are the first to suffer.