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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 91354 | Shaunna21 added on May 17, 2018 | Answered

Can anyone help me figure out what to do with these three rose bushes? They are producing flowers and starting to bloom, but the branches seem so long that they are weighing down to the ground. Also, none of them have many canes growing. Is there a way to produce more canes for a fuller rose bush?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2018

I'm no expert on plants but i have 3 rose bushes in front of my house. They were kinda the same way so i trimmed mine down to about 2 foot tall about 2 months ago and they are coming in plump and full now and are starting to bloom. unfortnately I am at work so I have no photos to share. I don't think it would be wise to cut them back now since they are in bloom but maybe after the bloom is over trim that back

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Answered on May 18, 2018

Your roses look like others I've seen that aren't getting enough sunlight. They must have at least 6 hours of direct light daily. Another possibility is that they are getting too much nitrogen. Are you using a fertilizer meant for flowers?

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