I have six rose bushes that have the same complaint.
They have not started to grow, They have tried but the leaves are tiny and stunted.
They look shrivelled.
I have had these roses for many years and they have always been fine and glorious.
They were not bought at the same time.
Other climbing roses and one other rose are fine.

It is better if roses don't have other vegetation growing under their drip line like I see in the second picture. It competes for nutrients and water and hinders good air circulation. Your greater problem may be rose rosette disease. The new growth in the first picture is blurry when I enlarge it so I don't know for sure but you should investigate this fatal disease of roses. I would also encourage you to look at videos of how to prune roses. Your bushes are crowded and will benefit if more sunlight gets into the middle. Air also circulates better and this helps prevent leaf diseases. Meanwhile always clean your tools after use on each rose. If you need more information, please send a close up of a leaf cluster. https://chadwickarboretum.osu.edu/sites/chadwick/files/imce/pdf/Buckeye_08August2014_Hand.pdf