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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Kalamazoo 49009 zone 5 | Anonymous added on June 15, 2017 | Answered

Can roses have other plants/ground covers around the base of the rose plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2017

Yes they can have other plants/ground covers growing around the base. I do prefer to give the rosebushes a good year by themselves first so that they get their roots well established. Otherwise the rosebush is a bit stressed out by having to compete for available water and nutrition while at the same time trying to get its root system established and all the while trying to bloom. I give my new rosebushes some root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive mixed into the same water for watering them in after planting and the next 4 to 5 times they need watering. This helps the rosebushes get their roots established well and the super thrive helps them deal with any stresses or shocks. Some rosebushes grow very tall and then get "leggy" so planting something around their base is good for garden or rose bed appeal. I have used Pansies, Alysum and Marigolds for such low color. I would be sure to deep feed the rosebush once in a while though to be sure it is getting the nutrients needed to keep on performing well.

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