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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 83328 | Mels critters added on April 22, 2016 | Answered

We rented a house last year, with roses in the yard are coming up. I have no idea what kind they are. But this year they are coming up again with a few of the branches being different. The leaves are anywhere from white to a pale pink and stay that way never turning green. Is there something wrong with them and, if so, can I fix it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2016

I usually prune out those canes as they typically have a genetic issue that will not support any blooms or weak blooms. Pruning them out keeps them from sucking nutrients from the rest of the bush. Once I have pruned them out, I put a cup of Epsom salts around the base of the rosebush, work it in to the soils lightly and water in. Then in a couple weeks you can give them some high iron fertilizer too.

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