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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Los angeles, 90002 | yellow bud added on February 4, 2016 | Answered

When do you fertilize a bare root rose?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 6, 2016

When my bareroot rosebushes arrive from the place I ordered them from, I soak them overnight in a 5 gallon bucket that I have also placed a Moo-Poo tea bag in. This gives the root system a little organic nutrition while the roots bring moisture back into them. I do not fertilize the newly planted rosebushes until they have leafed out and have set buds that will be growing to turn into bloom smiles. Then I feed them with half the recommended amount on the bag or container for the first feeding, as feeding them too heavily will discourage the roots from growing out and seeking food and other nutrients. The Moo Poo tea that I have soaked them in over night is used to help water them in after planting them at a point when the planting hole is about half full of soils. I have a big watering can that I fill with water with some Super Thrive in it that I used to water them in a bit once completely done planting them. These two things provide them with a bunch of nutrients that go a long way in helping with transplant shock and getting them to break dormancy and get to growing. The moo poo tea bags can be purchased either from this link I wil provide or can now be purchased through Amazon.com. Link: > http://www.manuretea.com/category/manure-tea/

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