Q.rose with witches broom virus
We are removing several climbing New Dawn roses with witches broom. I would like to replant another pink climbing rose in the same area. How soon can I plant, and what roses are not so likely to get witches broom? I’ve heard Floribunda roses get it and to avoid those. Is that true? This is killing me removing these lovely New Dawn climbers.

Remove the soils of the infected rosebushes to a diameter of 20 inches and the same depth. Replace those soils with amended bagged garden soil. By doing this you also remove most of the old root systems that might still carry some of the virus. Most any rose can get the dreaded virus as it is believed to be spread by mites. Even the hardy knockout roses have fallen victim to it of late. So just really look over the new rosebushes you buy and get good healthy looking bushes. If you want an awesome pink climbing rose to replace New Dawn with, try one named Awakening. She is related to New Dawn and many say she is better. I found her to be a very good happy and hardy rosebush.