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Q.Rose suckers or new shoots?

Zone Aberdeenshire UK | Anonymous added on May 7, 2020 | Answered

Hello, I am getting a lot of new shoots from my rose ball and I’m not too sure if these are suckers or just new shoots. I’m only just starting up gardening so any help is appreciated.
I’ve attached photos of the little rose that has not been growing well since I bought it compared to the other ones I’ve got. And I also attached a photo of my climbing rose that is growing very good but was also getting shoots that I’ve already taken off (it is circled red where I’ve taken it off).


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2020

Typically the suckers come from the root or just below the bud union. Yours are king of clustered together, which is odd. You may have both stems and suckers coming up. Follow the stem down to see where it is coming from. If it's the bud union, I would leave it for now and keep an eye on it.

If the stems are below the bud union, it is definitely a sucker and needs to be removed. This article tells more:


Regarding the climbing rose, it looks like one of the canes is black and should be removed (unless it just looks that way in the photo). The one you removed may have been OK. It looks like it came from the bud union.

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