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Q.Rose Seed Help!

Zone 6-7 | dfcloud added on August 3, 2014 | Answered

I bought some rose seeds on eBay. The “instructions” say to soak them in 104 degree water for 4 to 5 days. I can’t find anything in this house that will keep water at a constant temp. of 104. What do I do? Do I have to soak rose seeds in 104 degree water for 4 or 5 days? Deb

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 5, 2014

We do not know if the rose seeds have been through the important cold cycle I mention in the article. If they have not been through that step, they will most likely not sprout at all. Your plan sounds good once they have been through that cold cycle.


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Answered on August 4, 2014

Thank you. That was my way of thinking also. I've never tried growing roses from seeds before and I've come across many strange things in this life. So, I've always found it better to look up and read up…. I read this article yesterday, it's how I came to ask on this board, mainly because these seeds are obviously not fresh out of the hip. My plan was to start them on my deck table, then (if they sprout) move them to bigger pots for the winter. Good plan?

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Answered on August 4, 2014

I am not sure why they would tell you to do that unless it is to soften the seeds. But even then, that hot of water for a sustained time period could do far more harm than good. Please check out this link to an article about growing roses from seed: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/growing-roses-from-seed.htm

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