Q.Rose Of Sharon Shrub Is Not Leafing Out
My rose of sharon shrub never leafed out or budded. The stems have some color, and are somewhat flexible. Being that it is too hot (90+ degrees) I am watering it about every two days (a 2gallon bucket each watering). There is a lot of new growth around the shrub, but still nothing on last year’s growth. stems. We had a crazy spring with snow that came in May. I am in zone 5B. I it possible that this killed all the upcoming leaf buds? Will I see growth next year on these stems?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You will need to cut off the dead growth. It will likely not recover from a cold snap like that.
The new growth will take over as the new shrub. In fact, pruning to the shrub to the ground is a common rejuvenation tactic for when the shrub fails to grow properly.
Here is an article that will help:
Here is an article for the care of the shrub: