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Rose Of Sharon Plants

Q.Rose of Sharon Blooms

Anonymous added on July 30, 2012 | Answered

We have 6 Rose of Sharon plants in our yard here in Garner, N. C. They have lavender double blooms. A couple of years ago, there appeared on one of the branches a pure white bloom. Both colors on the same branch, only a couple of inches apart. In the twenty or so years that we have had these plants, nothing like this has ever occured, either before or since. The question is: just how rare is this? Since it has never happened before, I assume it must be pretty unusual.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 30, 2012

It is indeed rare and something quite special to behold. It is a genetic mutation thing that may not ever happen again. Or it could happen again next year. Once it has happened there is always a possibility that whatever caused the mutation will come around again. I would have the camera ready for sure, I hope you did the first time it did this. Also, this can be done by grafting but then you would have a whole branch or series of branches with different bloom colors from the main one.

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