Q.Rose Of Sharon & Bearded Iris I Think I’m Doing Something Wrong
Have a purple rose of sharon that I transplanted from my back yard to my front yard it looks horrible (see photo) I have dark purple bearded iris’ that aren’t looking that great either. The iris are under a weed preventer and mulch that in the photo was messed up and needed filling in at the time. they didn’t blow this year and last year there was one and it was very small. I think they are too far apart. Please let me know what you think. the photo is at 8am and the yard id full sun by 11am.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I didn't get any photos, but your Rose of Sharon may be under transplant shock. Keep it well watered and it should recover.
The iris probably is too covered up. Iris rhizomes like to bask in the sun. The top of the rhizomes should be above the soil line. The roots should be below the soil. They do best in full sun. I recommend digging up the weed preventer around the iris rhizomes and pulling back the mulch. Iris need room to spread also.
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