Q.rose of sharon
We planted a rose of Sharon this summer. It was putting out lovely blooms until about a week ago. There are many nice looking buds on the branches but the flower bud does not open up very far….not like it had been doing originally. Then, the flower looked like a hibiscus. Now, it is just a partially open bud.
What is wrong? What can I do?
Thank you.

This is not an uncommon problem and it could be a number of things from drought, botrytis bud blight, thrips, rot during rainy summers and the shrub running out of energy. Do you fertilize mid-summer? It is too late for fertilizer now as plants are preparing for dormancy and storing energy in the roots. More on the subject here: https://www.purdue.edu/hla/sites/yardandgarden/rose-of-sharon/