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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose leaf attack

Zone 22308 | fkroesen added on June 2, 2017 | Answered

Leaves are whole, but the are many roundish spots completely transparent, as if the green has been sucked out but the membrane left intact. I haven’t a photo but could make that happen if needed.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2017

Your roses have rose slugs. Well, they are not actual slugs but larvae of the sawfly. They nest on the underside of the leaves and eat the membranes. That's what leaves a translucent hole on the plant. First spray the roses leaves with a good blast with a garden hose set on shower. Then buy some neem oil. Follow the directions but then add enough drops of dawn or any dish soap enough so when you shake the liquid mixture the neem oil does not float to the top. Oil and water don't mix well alone. Spray the leaves late in the day, top and bottom after the sun is off the plants so they don't burn. Good luck!

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