I really do not know that there is truly a "Best" rose food. Bone meal or super phosphate work good to put into the planting hole when first planting rosebushes to help get the root system going good. I prefer super phosphate though. Not triple super phosphate just plain old super phosphate. I have used Vigoro Rose Food, Mile Hi Rose food (Local Colorado Product), Gro-Rich Rose and Perennial Food and Epsoma Rose food and really have not noticed much difference in performance as all the rosebushes seem to like them all and perform well. I do prefer an organic based rose food like Gro-Rich Rose and perennial food or Mile Hi Rose food and even Epsoma Rose Tone Rose Food. But the roses really love some Kelp Meal. I give each of them a cup of it early in the growing season and another cup later on in the season about end of July or first part of August. Miracle Gro is okay but will in time help build up soils salts. Thus the reason I like the organic based fertilizers as they help build the soils home for the rosebushes as well as feed them. I also give my rosebushes a drink of Moo Poo Tea (Haven Brand on-line available) a couple times per year to boost the soils nutrients.
Answered on May 25, 2016
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