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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose Fertilizer Good Year to Year?

Zone 6 | artist473 added on May 6, 2013 | Answered

I have just a few roses so I don’t always use up the fertilizer in one summer. Can it be used the following summer or do I have to buy fresh? I haven’t been able to find an answer anywhere. Thanks!

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Answered on May 7, 2013

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Answered on May 7, 2013

Your fertilizer should be ok to use. If it's a water soluble and caked, just mix it with a little hot water to dissolve before diluting. If the fertilizer has gotten wet, it's potency may be slightly diminished, but it is still usable. Always use according to package directions.

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Answered on May 7, 2013

Well if it nonorganic and from a box store and looks all crusty at the opening,I would rebuy but if its oraganic dont worry.Remember roses like acidic soil compared to akaline soil. Good Luck

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