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Hyacinth Plant

Q.rose disease/pest

Zone 55118 | laurajlevoir added on June 10, 2016 | Answered

I’ve got a Chicago Peace rose that was full of healthy blooms until 2-3 weeks ago. I can see the black spots but it seems like there may be multiple problems with my rose. I treated it with this product 6 days ago. Could someone help identify the problem(s) and whether the following product will be effective?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 19, 2016

The Bayer tree and shrub granules I mentioned in my other answer to your other question should help with this as well. I would also spray the rosebushes with a product called Green Cure at the Cure Rate every 7 to 10 days for a while to get funguses under control. http://greencure.net/

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