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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose Care

Anonymous added on May 15, 2014 | Answered

I just read about the Distant Drums Rose on your site. A friend gave me one as a gift last July. I have kept it inside all fall, winter, and now spring, in its original pot. It is doing great! But I want to put it outside on my terrace for the summer. Does Distant Drums do well in a container outside, or should I put it in the ground? I would like to container garden it for this year, if possible, because I want to plant it in a spot, eventually, against a wall that is currently under construction.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2014

Distant Drums is a wonderful and hardy rosebush that will thrive in many conditions that other roses would not. The main danger with container growing her is that her roots can start to grow in a circular pattern if left in the same pot/container too long. I would recommend transplanting her into a bigger pot and place her out on your terrace. Keep an eye on the soils moisture with a moisture meter so you can probe well down into the soils to make sure the root zone is moist but not soaking wet. Make sure the pot/container has drainage holes so water does not build up and cause root rot problems. She will do even better once planted in the ground though. I love this rose and her uniquely colored blooms. Just got one for the rose bed here at our new place this year.

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