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Hyacinth Plant

Q.rose bushes

Anonymous added on June 6, 2015 | Answered

What if the rose bushes are falling forward as they grow? Without using a trellis or something similar, how can I keep them standing up straight?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 7, 2015

Well since a trellis or something similar is out of the question, there is little left except perhaps using some of the green rubberized tape or wire reinforced rubber coated rope and tieing the bushes off to a fence or wrap the tie material loosely around the canes and tie off to a post behind the bushes. Using a good well balanced organic rose food should strengthen the rose canes, watch the nitrogen levels as too much nitrogen gives you lots of foliage and weaker canes. Giving the rosebushes some Epsom Salts can help strengthen the canes as well.

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