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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose Bush

Zone 15216 | bristolgirl added on May 27, 2016 | Answered

I recently bought a rose bush. When I was getting ready to transplant it to its “new home” this morning, I noticed that the leaves were turning yellow and falling right off. What could be causing it and how to I correct whatever the problem is? Thank you for any help you can provide!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2016

It looks like to me that it needs to be planted in the ground ASAP and get out of that pot. The root system could be becoming what is called root bound. If you take it out of the pot and see that the roots have started circling themselves in the shape of the pot, try to pull them out of that spiral formation a bit prior to planting, so that the roots reach out nicely into their new home soils. Once planted I would water it in with some water that has both a good root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive in the same water. The root stimulator will get the roots going to get the bush established in its new home. The Super Thrive supplies vitamins and hormones that help the plant deal with transplant shock and stresses such as being in a pot too long and being too wet in the pot for too long. Give the bush the same water mix the next 3 or 4 times it needs water too. She should do fine. Give her some Kelp Meal too once she starts leafing out well again and forming some new buds. 1 cup per bush sprinkled around the base, lightly worked into the soils and watered in.

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