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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose bush

Zone 15216 | bristolgirl added on May 28, 2016 | Answered

We have a rose bush that has been doing great for the last four years. This year all of a sudden the leaves started getting silver spots around holes on leaves. Now the bush looks like Swiss cheese or lace. We have checked the leaves and can’t find any reason for the holes. Something is eating it. What do we do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2016

It sounds like your rose bush is under attack by some type of beetle that feeds at night. I would recommend giving the rosebush a treatment of Bayer Tree and Shrub Granules. Apply per the label instructions for Ornamentals/Roses. This is a systemic disease and bug control product and it also has some food in it to help the bush under attack gain strength to help fight the attack. Spraying the rosebush may not work sometimes as the culprit hides well and thus the sprays have a hard time really getting to the problem, spray on systemics can have marginal success.

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