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Q.Rose And Soil, Mulch, And Compost Question

Zone 85331 | Cammy9 added on March 16, 2021 | Answered

I am trying to grow a double delight rose bush. It is a hybrid tea rose. I live in the USA in the AZ desert. I have the rose in a large concrete type of planter. It seems to have plenty of space for the rose. But I cannot replant it every couple of years. I have it in a rich soil mix with an irrigation system. I feed it all purpose Marcel Gro. I am trying to avoid mulch and compost. Csn I grow my rose without them? How do I do that? And do I need to replenish the rich soil mix with my rose? If so how often and when do I do that? Please email me back at: cam9buxton@gmail.com Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2021

Okay. I found out I can grow roses without compost or mulch if I keep feeding them. But I should replace the soil once every 3 years or so if the rose is in a container. This is because roses are apparently heavy feeders and will deplete the soil of nutrients. And apparently fertilizer will not make up the difference. There might also be a buildup of solvable salts from the fertilizer after a few years. When you add new soil it is also a good time to trim back rose roots. Apparently the rose roots will quickly grow back.And use good quality potting soil. Not gardening soil or top soil. The site I found the answer to my soil question on was very informative. I hope this is helpful to your site too.

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