Q.Root Shock & Mold
I’d like to thank you for your help in advance!! I’m unsure if my schefflera faces numerous issues or compounded symptoms from one. I’ve had it for about 15 years & it’s always grown healthy, perky leafs. In the last few years, leafs started to occasionally fall from the lower portion of two main stalks. There is now a few feet on each with none. About a week ago, I repotted it in the same brand & type of soil I’ve always used for it & I think (hope) it’s suffering transplant shock. The stems are dropping, stems fall off the stalks daily, & it gets worse every day. I’ve included recent pics & have four main questions: 1) Does this appear to be transplant shock that will subside in a few weeks? 2) If I cut off the leafless part of the stalk, will the leafy ends propagate in water or soil? 3) Should I only fertilize May through September & 8 weeks after transplanting? 4) What are the best ingredients & type of fertilizer for my plant? To make matters worse, I just noticed mold(?) on the soil surface! I transplanted with a bag of old soil & think I need to retransplant with new soil. If it’s already in transplant shock, won’t this kill it? Can I just trim the stalks & propagate them and/or propagate the whole root ball? The leaf stems are falling off, it’s drooping considerably, & even the new leaf growths are wilting & almost dead! PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you! Janet King (775)338-0368 jking6468@gmail.com

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is very hard to tell what is going on here, but the soil is heavily infected with a fungus. When they remain amorphous like this, it is hard to ID the fungus. One thing is certain, though. It is in trouble!
The next actions will be devastating to your plant, but less so than leaving it in this state.
You will need to treat with fungicides, THEN replant into fresh (Uncontaminated) soil. Continue treatment according to the instructions on the fungicide that you choose until the plant starts to recover.
Another thing to note... Schefflera are heavy feeders, though they can tolerate less than ideal nutrient content.
They are not picky about the brand of nutrients, as long as it is an all-purpose (Like a 10-10-10 mix) Granular fertilizers are easy to use, only requiring feedint 2 or 3 times per year. If you choose liquid nutrients, you can feed every 2 weeks or so.
Pruning will be advised AFTER you take care of the infection, or at the very least, after a few doses of fungicide.
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