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Camellia Plants

Q.root rot

Zone 70080 | Anonymous added on June 17, 2017 | Answered

In April of this year I had a landscaper come in and put in a landscape bedding in the front of my house. One of the bedding plants is 4 camellias. About a month ago I noticed that on each shrub, some of the leaves at the end of some of the branches were turning brown and falling off. Some of the branches no longer have any leaves. Also there is no new growth to be seen. Is it root rot or something else. If it is root rot what can I do to save them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 18, 2017

Regular watering is crucial for the root system and establishment of newly planted Camellia plants.
The soil also must be well draining, so that the roots remain moist but never soggy.

With no new growth on the plant, you can test the branches to see if they have died. Branches that snap and break are no longer living.

Here is a link that will help refresh you on the care requirements.


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