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Fuchsia Plants

Q.root rot

Zone 9 or 10. | pudgycat added on September 1, 2011 | Answered

I pulled one of my fuchsias out of its pot, and not knowing what root rot looks like, I was confused and bewildered. The roots look normal to me. Anyone out there have a picture to help me identify if it is root rot that is stunting the growth on my fuchsias?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2011

I don't have a picture, but I can tell you that if they look healthy, they don't have root rot. Roots affected by rot look slimy and oily. They will feel mushy and often have an unpleasant smell.

If the roots look ok to you, then they likely are. Other things than can stunt growth would be too little water or too little nutrients. Both of these issues affect plants in pots because the plant is dependent on the soil in the pot to help it. Nutrients need to be added by the gardener and the plant needs to be watered far more frequently than if it were in the ground. Make sure you are fertilizing regularly and water the plant at least once a day over the summer months as the soil can dry out quickly in the heat.

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