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Insect Pest Control

Q.root mealybugs keep surviving

Zone Croatia | fantomka added on June 27, 2018 | Answered

Good day good people!
So…root mealybugs…persistent and stubborn little creatures aren’t they…atm I even like mosquitos more…
I have this problem for months now,and did research and took advices from other people,but they keep coming back no matter what I do…
I treated the plants with soap,alcohol,hot water,24h water dipping,neem,homemade insecticides and pesticides…you name it…and they still keep coming back or not leaving at all 😀
Ofc I change the potting mix and the pots before repotting ( which leaves me with a lot of potting mix to throw away ).
So…how long would I need to bake the mix in order to get rid of the bugs and larva? Would you even recommend it? Should I treat the plants with something else? Should I do the drench with some neem or so?
Many thanks in advance!!! I really appreciate your opinion.

(the photo uploaded doesn’t show the infection,just had to put any photo in order to post)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 27, 2018

Actually, the best two ways of getting rid of these is quite simple, but overlooked.

These will not like neem oil, or rosemary oil. Applying this to slightly warm water and spraying and watering in will prevent, and kill these pests without harming the plant.

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Answered on June 27, 2018

tnx for the answer,so i should do the drench with neem or rosemary oil right? just few drops to 1l of water?

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