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Dwarf Cherry Trees

Q.Romeo Dwarf Cherry Tree

Spartanguy83 added on May 10, 2018 | Answered

Good morning. I have a 3 year old Romeo dwarf cherry tree. The tree is approximately 6 feet tall this year. This year and last year the tree has developed flowers and then pollenated. Tiny green fruit formed and then the complete stem with fruit dropped off the tree not long after. Hundreds of them. Can you offer me any help as to why this is happening?



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 12, 2018

Fruit trees only need to convert one in twenty blooms to carry a good crop of fruit, which means that when more are converted, they often naturally drop from the tree to allow for a more sustainable crop based on the size of the tree.

Cherry Romeo is self pollinating but does do better with another pollinator.
Once a Cherry gains good size it needs to be watered regularly, thoroughly and deeply during the fruiting period. Infrequent, shallow watering can deprive the fruit of much needed water, causing it to drop.
If your area is hit with a late frost, once the Cherries have started forming, this can cause them to drop as they are damaged by the harsh conditions.
Too much water is as bad as not enough water. Make sure your Cherry tree isn’t sitting in boggy, over wet soil.
Your Cherry tree, like most plants, will benefit from regular fertilization during the year.

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