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Shade Gardening

Q.rocky ground garden anyone?

Zone 71909 | kellyhaywood added on August 5, 2012 | Answered

I have just moved to a house with a yard in Arkansas that is incredibly rocky and on a fairly steep slope. Any ideas on where I can even get started? It is mostly shaded, would I be better putting in small garden areas or just put decorative rocks out? Any ideas would be appreciated. I’m on a tight budget but was able to move some plants from old house. Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 16, 2012

Typically with rocky soil, you have 2 choices. You either painstakingly remove the rocks from the soil, or you build beds above the soil. A third option is to consider having just one big rock garden but that may not work with the plants you have brought with you.

These articles may be helpful in getting started with either gardening above the ground or rock gardening:




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