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Coconut Palm Trees

Q.Rotting and Cracking of coconut

Zone Jamalpur dt.Munger BIHAR , PIN-811214 | Pradip Da JMP added on January 29, 2017 | Answered

Coconuts in my garden’s tree are cracking and rotting while still on the tree. They start rotting/cracking in an earlier stage when they are too small. Sometimes, they also fall from the tree while still too small. Please suggest something to stop it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 29, 2017

This can happen if the tree is not getting enough water. Also, check your tree or the fallen coconuts for any pests such as small insects that may be damaging them. A pest called coconut mite can also cause cracking of small coconuts:

If the leaves are also drying up or rotting, this could be Phytophthora katsurae, a disease that can cause coconut fruit rot and heart rot:

Check whether the tree is showing the symptoms described in the article. Unfortunately, that disease will usually kill coconut trees.

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