Q.Ripening of Fruit on Dwarf Peach Tree
I purchased a dwarf peach tree and planted it last spring. It was very healthy and had 2 green peaches that never ripened. This year the tree grew and has an abundance of healthy green leaves and an abundance of small green peaches. They started growing the end of June. It is now end of September and the peaches are still considerably small and very green and hard. Some of them have brown spots, but the spots are not soft. Why aren’t they ripening? The tree has full sun and plenty of water, but not overwatered. It is planted with mulch around it. The tree itself looks very healthy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Peach trees need to be thinned well to produce fruit. If your tree is at least 3 years old and it carries the small, immature fruit throughout the season, that may be your problem. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/peach/peach-tree-thinning.htm