Q.Repotting new plant
I recently brought an Edgeworthia Chrysantha Red Dragon plant. At the moment it is in a 1.5 litre pot. I either want to put it in a much larger pot or directly into the ground. My question is The root/tuber looks like it is wrapped in something. Do I remove this before repotting/planting out or should I leave it on. I’m new to this gardening past time as I haven’t had a garden before that I can put things in that I like and want, only ever had window boxes and houseplants.
Best grown in a sheltered position in full sun or light dappled shade in well-drained, humus-rich loamy soil
I'm not clear on what you are describing. Generally if the roots are tangled or growing in a circle from being root bound you can gently tease them out prior to planting.