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Q.Repotting Brugmansia

Anonymous added on April 17, 2014 | Answered

Just finished pruning off the last dead branches from my Frosty Pink Brugmansia and would like to know how soon after can I repot them to put outside? I’m asking because I’m afraid of causing the plant to go into shock inadvertently and killing it. The new top growth has been straggly, stunted and pale. I know they’re hungry and in dire need of a repotting ASAP. The temps here have been between 55 – 68 F. daytime and consistently above 40 F. at night. I would like to start feeding them but don’t know if I should wait until they’re in the new containers or if it’s safe to start now.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 30, -0001

You should go ahead and do it now. Normally, you would cut them back after repotting anyway. If you want to repot the plant, go up about 2 inches in diameter, or another couple sizes. Regular (well-draining) potting soil should be sufficient for your brug. Give it some slow release fertilizer. There is conflicting information on its NPK, but using a ratio of 6-10-4 or similar is normally adequate. This article should help with its overall care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/brugmansia/growing-brugmansias-in-containers.htm

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