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Olive Trees

Q.Repotting An Olive Tree. Concerned About Plastic Mesh Pot Surrounding The Root Ball.

Zone Brighton UK | Anonymous added on August 14, 2021 | Answered

I’ve recently bought an olive tree which I want to repot from its plastic container into a larger terracotta pot. When I took the olive tree out of the plastic pot, I noticed a smaller plastic ‘mesh’ pot around the root ball. The roots are growing through the mesh and I don’t want to damage the root ball trying to get it off. Should I leave the plastic mesh pot alone to repot as the roots are so tangled up in it or should I try to cut the mesh away? I’m worried about damaging the root ball if I cut away, but I also don’t want the mesh to restrict the roots. I’d be grateful for your advice. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2021

It will be much better to cut the mesh. It will do more damage, long term, to leave it. This article will help you with potted olive care:


This collection of articles will give you much more information on the subject of olive trees:


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