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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Repotting An Acer Tree ….

Zone Buckinghamshire | Anonymous added on June 5, 2024 | Answered

I was about to repot an Acer but found that unfortunately the roots have started to grow out of the pot and into the ground. We will be moving shortly and I would like to take the tree. I don’t want to risk killing it by digging it up but equally, it presumably can’t remain in the existing pot. Any advice would be helpful, thank you .

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 7, 2024

The day before you attempt to remove the plant, water it well. The next day, start by carefully pulling up the plant from the ground, preserving as many roots as possible. Then carefully remove the plant from the container, letting the roots come up through the drainage holes. Immediately put it into a prepared, larger container (no more than one or two sizes larger) partially filled with dirt. The container should be tall enough that the tap roots will fit without cutting them. It is okay to trim the feeder roots that come off the main roots. Fill around it with fresh, high quality potting soil. Keep the plant in the shade and well watered till it recuperates.

If the roots are too thick and you cannot easily pull the plant up from the ground or through the drainage holes, break the pot. It looks like a clay or ceramic pot.

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