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Philodendron Plants

Q.Repotting a large philodendron…

Zone 30290 | Anonymous added on April 10, 2019 | Answered

I have an very old philodendron that desperately needs repotting. I am enclosing a picture. Any suggestions…what size pot etc…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 11, 2019

Philodendrons can certainly be grown as houseplants. However, it is always a difficult adjustment for a plant growing in the ground to be moved into a pot. Pruning the plant back beforehand will help, along with other strategies to prevent transplant shock:


Here is more about philodendrons in containers:


If the shrubs don't make a healthy transition, you can save the plant by making a cutting, rooting it and growing it in its own pot:


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