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Flower Gardening


Zone 50672 | barbperkins added on May 14, 2016 | Answered

I have an old garden that is unorganized but has a lot of perennials. How do I reorganize and replant them into a garden plan? I have irises, lilies, yuccas, naked lady bulbs, tulips, peonies, hostas, coneflowers and others that I don’t know the names of. This is a new home for us, but a home of an elderly gardener that hasn’t been able to care for it in awhile.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2016

This can be a task that easily becomes overwhelming, speaking from experience.
This article has some suggestions for you.


I would also suggest you contact your local Garden Club. Experienced gardeners are generally more then happy to help another gardener.
They may be able to help identify plants for you and may even lend a hand!

Personal tips: Start on one end and work your way through the garden.
If your not sure what it is--don't pull it!
Use small garden flags when you locate a plant.

Don't give up, and take lots of breaks!

Don't dig plants up until you know for sure you want to move them.

Here are some other articles that will help you get started.


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