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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Replanting a rose bush

Zone Burlington WI Zone 5 | SuzyRyan added on October 7, 2016 | Answered

Because of some emergency foundation repairs, I had no choice but to dig up a small but beautiful Peace Rose that I had growing near my house. I transplanted it into a very large container. This was approximately four or five weeks ago. The weather was still quite warm at the time. I live in zone 5, SE Wisc. The rose showed quite a bit of transplant shock, all of her leaves getting brown and shriveling up. I thought for sure that I was going to lose the rose bush, but she has rebounded nicely. All new fresh green leaves. There is even a bud on it. So here is my question, do I replant it in the ground now? This time of year around here the temperatures are very erratic. Getting down to 36 degrees tonight, yesterday it was 70 degrees. The next couple of weeks will be very much the same with up and down temperatures. Or do I dig a big hole and put the pot and everything in the ground and mulch it real good for the winter? Or do I bring the rosebush inside? I got a second chance with this rose bush I don’t want to blow it now.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 9, 2016

You could still plant her in the ground up near the house where she will have some protection. Doing the good mounding and such. On nights that are forecast to be very cold. Wrap the entire bush with bath towels and then cover with a big plastic trash bag or tarp. In the morning when things start to warm up, remove it all so she can enjoy the sunshine. When moving her from the pot to the ground again, water her in with some water that has both a root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive mixed into the same water. Use this same mix the next three to four times she needs watering. It helps get the roots established and the super thrive helps big time with the transplant and other shocks and stresses. You could also move the bush and pot inside for the winter but I personally have better luck working with them out in the ground.

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