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Leyland Cypress

Q.Replacing A Leylandii Hedge

Zone OX93QY | Schainani added on October 31, 2020 | Answered

Hello I hope you can help? We have just moved into a house with a 3m leylandii hedge on both sides of our garden (10sqm)…we’re desperate to replace it (as they’re very overpowering and I feel claustrophobic) but we have a high water table (50cm below ground) and are concerned that it will affect our drainage (field drains) if don’t replace with something that soaks up as much water. We have a lovely view out the back of our garden into an open field so not keen on a large tree like a willow. Would really appreciate any suggestions on what to replace hedges with and when/how (i.e. in stages)? Kind Regards Melanie Hayden

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 2, 2020

The quick way will be to use an excavator! That can get quite expensive.

If you don't have access to this, then a chainsaw will be the next best thing. You can let the roots die over time, or you can help them along with stump removing chemicals.

Here are some articles that will help:




I don't think that removing them will affect the soil too badly. There appears to be a lower area for water to gather, nearby.

As far as what to plant- Your area is most similar to our USDA zone 9. You have a very wide range of options available to you. These articles will help:






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