Q.Removing Tree from Hedge
A tree in my thuja green giant hedge was destroyed by deer and will need to be removed. The hedge was planted two years ago and the trees are about 6ft tall and 7ft apart. How should I remove and replace this tree without disturbing the roots of the other trees?
To successfully replace the tree, you will need to cut it down and also cut up and dig out the roots underneath it. It may be impossible to avoid disturbing the roots of the neighboring trees, but they will recover. If this leaves a hole larger than the root ball of the replacement tree, fill in with soil from your yard, well mixed with 10 to 20% compost (but not concentrated fertilizer, since this can burn the roots.) The new tree may need more compost or fertilizer to be added a few months later or the following spring, following these guidelines:
This article has advice on some alternative options: