Q.Removed a low lying evergreen type ground cover.
We bought a new property and want to put in a vegetable garden. The previous owners had a park like setting with a number of bushes and some low lying ever green type ground cover in the middle with perennials around the edges.
I plan to keep the perennials, but we have removed the bushes and ground cover with hopes of planting potatoes. I assume that the evergreen ground cover makes the soil acidic. How can I offset the acidity, and do you think I can have successful potato plants with the gardens previous history?
It is best to have a soil test done, this avoids guessing what the soil needs and avoiding spending time and money on soil amendments or fertilizer.
Your local County Extension Office can help you with a soil test.
Here is a link to help you locate your closest office.
Here are some articles to help you get started with your vegetable garden.