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Q.Relating To Growing Rose Stems In Potatoes. I Have Two In Pots That Have Broken Through. Is It Too Late To Plant Them In The Ground?

Zone 02050 | bobchat1 added on September 8, 2020 | Answered

Would it work planting the pot in the ground, or if they must be brought in the house for the winter, where should they be placed. Little concerned right now about planting outdoors as I’m thinking everything in the pots will just fall apart.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 11, 2020

You are in zone 6b so I would bring it inside for the winter or to the garage, anywhere it won't be in freezing weather. Indoors you can keep it near a sunny window and water lightly through the winter so it doesn't get root rot.



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