Q.Regulating Sun on a Balcony Garden
I’m trying to start up a balcony vegetable garden, but living in Houston with its excessive temperatures is making this more difficult than I originally thought. My balcony faces directly west, so during the hot summer months (end of March to end of October, basically) the entire balcony gets 8+ hours of near-direct or direct sunlight. The only plant that hasn’t withered and died is a pineapple top I planted last fall. Do you have any suggestions on fruit/vegetable plants that thrive in the heat and sun? I can’t hang up any shades due to condo guidelines.
I don't want to discourage you but you have a tough situation. Asking plants that are generally grown in the ground plus adding the heat and sunshine they are exposed to, is pushing the limits. I hope I am wrong - I would think you could grow patio tomatoes if you water a bunch!!!!! You can probably grow some of the herbs, as well. You would have bright shade if you are allowed to have a vertical vine of some kind growing that would grow upright giving your plants that condition. Good luck. And water, water, water. Herbs don't need as much as the tomato, however.