Q.regarding lantana yellow spots on leaves
I planted the lantana about 4 months ago and it has not been productive with flowers at all, although it has grown very tall and bushy. Now the leaves have developed yellow spots. We are watering 2 times weekly, 20 min. each time. Any suggestions as what is going on?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are a number of things that could be causing the yellow spots on the leaves, from pests to fungus. It could also be suffering from shock, as it's still rather newly planted. I would treat the plant with neem oil, which is an effective, organic pesticide and fungicide. Also, check the soil around your plants to see if it's staying too moist. If so, allow it to dry some. A soil test may be helpful as well in case there is something missing, which can then be remedied once you know the nutrients it needs.