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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Refrigerate the seed

Zone 50830 | Anonymous added on November 18, 2016 | Answered

What should I do with my rose seeds in the refrigerator? I don’t have room in there for my planting trays. I also live southern Iowa, zone 5, but what is the best alternative for my seeds? I know they need to be in the refrigerator for 3 months.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 19, 2016

If you do not have room in your current fridge for the seeds, perhaps look at buying another one that is on a garage sale or listed in the paper for a reasonable price. If that is not an acceptable option, try to find a good very cool to cold place outside or in an out building and make a place for the trays, cover them so birds and such cannot get to them if outside. The outside or outbuilding storage for the cool to cold period is how it is done by mother nature and should work just fine.

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