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Soil Problems

Q.Redirecting runoff with raised flower bed

Zone 8 | Ivypaw added on March 19, 2016 | Answered

I live in Georgia (yay, clay soil) on a hill second to last and I don’t remember when but our neighbors put in a new gutter system that causes floods in our yard. We have always had floods but now they are getting worse than I remember from previous years. Anywho, someone (not naming) tried to dig a trench to redirect it, but they did a poor job as it’s very shallow and takes the water into the backyard as well as in the front. The backyard now turns into 50/50 of shoe-sucking muck and cartoon slipping slick (Seriously ended up doing a split one time attempting to keep myself from falling). I looked up some solutions and found out about french drain pipes but it looks really expensive. I was wondering if I could do a 50/50 raised flowerbed/french pipe to redirect the water in the street.

My plan was to have the flowerbed and some other barrier cut off the water (or most of it) from the backyard and keep it in the front and then add the trench for the rest of the way into the street. I really want to get this done because the man said their season is coming up and also much wanted flowers are dying in that pot. I trimmed off a lot of dead stuff yesterday. Also, can’t do anything with large rocks – we have punks running around our neighborhood and can’t give them any fuel.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 21, 2016

You may want to contact your local government to inquire about drainage issues in your yard.
They may have some financial help available to homeowners to remedy flooding issues.
Gardening in containers may be a temporary solution for you until you remedy the water issues.
You can also use well draining potting soil for your containers to allow for good health of the plants.
A Verbena plant needs a full sun location and well draining soil. You may want to move it to a slightly larger pot for now.
Here are some links with more information.


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