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Red Maple Trees

Q.red maple tree leaves

Zone 77546 | lady4444 added on April 7, 2017 | Answered

this is our first summer red maple tree and i notice the leaves are some what drooping is normal. we water the tree every day about 3 gallons …i only hope this is normal while the tree is budding out…any help you give me will be greatly appreciated. thanking ,you inl advance….

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2017

Is this a new planting or an established tree?


Newly planted Red Maples needs one to two waterings per week to become established. 5 gallons total per week and an additional 5 gallons of water per inch of trunk diameter.
If it rains an inch, you do not need to water.
Watering is best with a soaker hose.
Dig down 6 inches, if it is moist. Your tree does not need water.

The amount you mention is likely too much for your tree, cut back and check the soil.


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