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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Red maple

Zone Morgantown wv | Nancy L Shay added on August 9, 2017 | Answered

Time of year you can cut it back

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 9, 2017

p.s. topping a tree or cutting back all of the top limbs is never recommended.

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Answered on August 9, 2017

To some extent, the answer depends on how much you'll be removing. Minor trimming and removal of dead branches can be done anytime. Some say not to prune maples in winter or early spring since it will cause sap to bleed and the loss of the nutrients in the sap. Pruning right after the maple leafs out seems to be the best time. Summer is OK as well. Fall and early spring must be avoided. I suggest you go to your local extension service website for information on your locale. (search for [your state] extension service) In some places fall is right around the corner and it may be too late for summer pruning. Here is what the Arbor Day Foundation has to say: https://www.arborday.org/trees/tips/when-to-prune.cfm

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