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Coleus Plants

Q.Red coleus

Zone Texas | Anonymous added on July 29, 2016 | Answered

Our red coleus is struggling where we planted it. It gets shade and some sun. We water it everyday in the morning plus our sprinkler goes off in the middle of the night. Is there something we need to do? My husband has sprinkled plant food but it is like they can’t tolerate the heat or something. Of course, we live in Texas!! All our other coleus is doing well. I attached a picture of our coleus when we bought it and the area where we planted it around the tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2016

I'm sorry your Coleus in't doing well!

In that extreme Texas heat, they may not be liking the combination of heat and sun. You could try to add some shade for them by adding some type of canopy -- even some shade plants in containers might help.

The soil that Coleus are kept in needs to be kept moist but well-drained.

Lastly, it truly may not be your fault. It could really be that the variety or the "batch" that your purchased simply wasn't healthy.

These articles may help you:



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