Q.Reclaiming farm land for gardening
Current situation:
We have leased ~23 acres of our Midwest zone 4b farmland that abuts the homestead to a local farmer who has been a great steward of our land by using current no-till and erosion sparing planting methods as well as adding appropriate chemicals based on every other year soil testing. We have been very happy with this arrangement and are not considering changing. The only negative is he grows gmo corn and sprays glyphosate which is the common ag crop in this area.
My question:
I was thinking I would like to reclaim approximately an acre and plant some fruit trees (apple, pear, apricot, etc.), fruit bushes (raspberries, blueberries, etc.), along with some perennial vegetables (asparagus, etc.). My concern is whether these garden vegetables and fruits would be 1). affected by the field having been formerly sprayed with glyphosate since I do not know the agricultural glyphosate chemical half life as well as the residual affect glyphosate has on soil and 2). going forward, whether the plants would or would not thrive being adjacent to the farm field and future spraying of agricultural chemicals such as glyphosate since there would not be any physical separation between the fields.
I do not wish to invest my time, energy or money If this would be an unwise idea.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I would start with soil testing. Contact your County Extension Office to help with this.