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Schefflera Plants

Q.Recently Repotted My Schefflera Plant That I Received 8 Months Ago, Now The Stems Near The Soil Are Turning Brown. Is My Plant Dying?

Zone georgia, north west area | bevgau added on June 25, 2020 | Answered

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A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 25, 2020

Unfortunately, without photos, I can only guess at the problem.

It sounds like the plant was put into a container that was too much larger than the original, or was overwatered.

I will be unable to say if the plant can be saved, but I can give link to one of our articles on the proper care of the plant, which will give it the best chance.


This article will guide you on fungicide use:


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